Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Trees in The Gambia

Hi!  Lamin here again!  Muhammed and I took a small bus to a village called, Pirang. When we got there, we saw this huge tree. It is called a Gambia Kapok tree, or cotton tree.  It is also known as an "Elephant Tree." We were told that this tree is over 300 years old.  Our great, great, great grandfathers kept this tree safe for us so we could see it.

Look at the size of those roots!

There are many kinds of trees in The Gambia.  Mangrove trees are common near the river and the streams that flow into it.  There are many other native trees with complicated names, like, Acacia Albida, Borassus Aethiopium, Cordyla Africana, Parkia Biglobosa, Eucalyptus, Ficus, and Kigelia Africana.

Elephant trees are so big, I can fit inside their trunk!  In fact...

Elephant trees are so big, you can fit BOTH of us inside their trunk!  

(Ok, put your masks back on now, guys!)

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