Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Village Life in Gambia

After visiting the Elephant Tree, we saw some cows gathering to drink.

We walked toward the cows, and some children from the village saw us, and came running over to see why we were there.  We told them that we were taking pictures for a blog called, "Gambia Friends," and we wanted to show our readers about life in a small village.  They were very curious, especially about my iPhone camera.

The children decided to help us with ideas, so they showed us the concrete drinking trough where the cows drink water, and they stood around it very seriously while I took their picture.  There were plants in the water, but, I suppose the cows don't mind, because they eat plants anyway.

Then they wanted Muhammed to take their picture with me and their cow.

Word gets around a small village fast, because, next we saw other children playing football (soccer, to some of you), and they stopped playing and ran over to ask us all kinds of questions.  They were looking at my iPhone (which my editor got me to help us take photos), so, I guess they thought that we were rich young men who came from the city.  They asked Muhammed and me if we could help them get a new ball and uniforms for their team. (My editor is smiling now, I am sure.)  Well, I have only started this blog and don't even have a job yet.  But, I said that I would talk to my editor to see if perhaps she could find some helpers for this team of boys in the village of Pirang.  (My editor told me she would see what she could do.)

I took these pictures to show a traditional mud brick, straw-roofed hut in a village.  I got permission before I took the photos, because someone still lives there.  You can also see the handcart standing up next to the hut that is used for transporting things like farm produce to the market.

We ended our day in the village with more children who heard about us and wanted us to take their picture.  So, we all crowded in for a selfie (we wore our masks, of course, for safety around the children inside.)  We were happy that we had made a lot of new "Gambia Friends"!

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Village Life in Gambia

After visiting the Elephant Tree, we saw some cows gathering to drink.   We walked toward the cows, and some children from the village saw u...